I think that I can chalk this one up to all of you. The day started out well because last night ended so perfectly. I went to bed exhausted (so, what else is new?) but content. Truly happy and heard. And I woke up feeling the same way.
Today is Wednesday, a Z-man school day, so our mornings are usually frenzied and rushed. I can most often be found with a whiny toddler on my hip cooking up breakfast and lunch and taking some form of protein out of the freezer for dinner, all at the same time. In other words, at 6:45 AM, I am making an omelet, stirring cheesy noodles and processing what is going to go in everyone's stomachs 11 hours from that moment. And the caffeine has not even hit its stride in my bloodstream.
This morning Z-girl woke up content and was happy to play downstairs with Tim as I dried my hair. Zach called me from his bedroom at 6:30, grabbed a book and snuggled next to Arrow (our Boxer) in our bed as I dried my hair in our bathroom. Periodically Zach would interrupt the blow-drying to ask me questions about his book (one of those big picture books of famous facts), "Mom! Look! Is this a Redwood?" Or, "Is this bug really that big in real life?" Stuff like that.

I digress.
So Zach trotted downstairs, and ate breakfast with his sister with no complaint. He brought his shoes to me without having to be asked and helped me carry bags down to the car. All the while Zoe is running around laughing. We arrived at school at 8:30, brought in snack, and he ran to play with his best buddies. Zoe and I did a few errands and then headed home for our girls morning.
This is where shit normally hits the fan. But, surprisingly, my fan remained shit free today.
I turned on some Regina Spektor Pandora, cooked up some Sausage and Peppers, and rocked out while Zoe ran around throwing goldfish at the the dog's ass, gleefully pummeling balloons and pushing kitchen chairs into my legs. And guess what? She and I even had time for a little trip to the LL Bean outlet for a new Duvet cover before we picked big man up at school.
By the time we got back home, Zoe just about leaped into her crib for a three hour nap and, since dinner was already prepped, I got to have a cup of coffee and watch the news and play with big Z.
Seriously folks, by the time dinner hit the table I thought my luck was due to run out. It didn't though, and we experienced a phenomena rare at all dinner tables that include any number of children under the age of five. We had a genuine conversation. Zach asked us why Pluto was no longer considered a planet, Tim and I discussed some exciting things happening to him at work, and I shared my idea for this evening's blog post.
It ended with some strawberry smelling hair for my sweet Z-girl; early bedtime and books for the big Z.
When days like these happen I try to breathe them in like one might breathe in the smell of suntan lotion skin. Or that first Spring day. Or a Fall campfire. Or that crispy clean air that happens before a snow.
I try to gather them up and store them away because I know they are so rare.
Don't get me wrong, almost every day has its gold nuggets. But today? Today was chock full of 'em.
And I am grateful.
So, that video link for "three hour nap?" The one with the dancing and the banjo? I guffawed. Loudly.
Yup, those days are gifts and you are so right to acknowledge them. Bank them away so that, on the vomit-on-the-floor days you can remind yourself that it isn't always that way! Glad it was wonderful. So are you.
Addendum to above comment after watching the youtube video: I want whatever is in that woman's cleaning solution!!!
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