Sunday, May 19, 2013

I Scream, You Scream.

It’s spring and we live within walking distance of a park that serves ice cream.Also, last week Zachary had his tonsils and adenoids removed.

Therefore, I am sure you understand that my children and I have been taking advantage of that close farm-stand proximity and helping ourselves to lots of mid-afternoon and post-dinner cones (ok, ok, some morning treats, too).

All that dessert got me thinking about how ice cream can be a big-old metaphor for existence (and carving out a better space). 

I’ve come up with 5 things that ice cream can teach us about living a better life. Apply the observations wherever you wish. To your home-life. Work environment. Marriage. Friendships. 

I hope that you’ll appreciate their universality.

1. Ask for what you want

You can’t saunter up to the ice cream counter and hope whatever cynical teenager working that day knows your order. So, ask for what you want. Don’t make unnecessary demands, be polite and respectful, but do abandon martyrdom.

It’s not going to get you anywhere.

It’s really that simple. No one is gonna’ know the flavor you prefer if you don’t open your mouth and make it clear. You might love a fresh scoop of Strawberry in a sugar cone, but if you don’t tell anyone, you’re probably going to end up with Moose Tracks.

2. Don’t go too fast

For goodness sake, enjoy it! Eat it while watching a baseball game. While talking to a friend. Your spouse.

If you rush it, it will be over before you’ve even tasted the sprinkles (and you’ll have no memory of how spectacular it actually was).

Plus, if you belt it down in huge gulps, you’ll get a headache.

3. Don’t go too slow

Predictable, I know, but I’m sure you can see the truth.

I’m all for savoring, but if you don’t take advantage of what is sitting right in front of you, it’s going to turn into a soupy mess. Or lose its flavor.

Attract bees.
Stick to the table. 

4. Take a risk

Periodically, walk up to the counter as if you and dessert have never been introduced. Don’t worry if people stare and sigh. Grant yourself asylum and order. If you don’t like it, try something else.

5. Get the real stuff

Be able to spot the imitation; don’t let yourself be fooled. Sure, there are really good frozen yogurts out there. 

But the real version is always better.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

While I agree with much of what you wrote, I am all about the good old standby of "mint patty"...why try something new if you are happy with a certain" flavor"?!